Read about our impacts.

We’re a London based not-for-profit organisation that supports artists and cultural producers interested in or working in the field of arts and health.

The Hub is artist led and primarily for artists, although we welcome people from other backgrounds such as health and care professionals.

We are inclusive. Our organisation is open to artists from all backgrounds, communities, experiences and qualifications.

Whilst we’re London based we also work online and with partner organisations to support artists across the UK.

We've directly supported over 150 artists

Over 70 artists have accessed our peer groups

We've commissioned over 40 artists to deliver workshops & events with us

16 artists have participated in our pioneering Support Hub project

17 artists have exhibited publicly with us

Artist Peer Groups

2020-2021: Creative Workshops

Recently we’ve worked extensively with the NHS and Royal College of Psychiatrists to commission 26 artists to deliver creative wellbeing workshops for various clinical and non-clinical staff.

  • Approximately 160 participants took part in the workshops