Time to get paid.

Thanks for working with us. Fill out the form and upload your invoice so we can pay you — we promise it’ll be speedy, too.

Please see below for everything that we need to pay your invoice.

Our payment terms are that we will pay you within 10 working days of your invoice being uploaded and submitted, provided that we do not have any questions regarding your invoice and about the work done, and that the work has been completed.

If we do have questions, we’ll let you know as soon as possible about what’s holding up your payment.

What to Include on your Invoice:

Please make your invoice out to:

Arts & Health Hub CIC

Unit 10, Nutbrook Studios

33 Nutbrook Street

London, SE15 4JU

Please clearly state on your invoice:

  • Your full name and address;

  • Your bank name, account and sort code. Alongside this your name exactly as it appears on your bank account. If it does not match the payment may not go through and we may need to double check with you, delaying the payment.

  • The date of your invoice;

  • A payment reference (i.e “Hub-01”);

  • The work completed;

  • The total amount in £.

If you have any questions you can contact us.

Upload your Invoice.

If you cannot see the form below click here to open it in a new window.